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While most of us will be enjoying this beautiful, record breaking warm weather our pets may not be feeling quite the same.

Warm weather isn’t always good for our pets, heat stress can cause many serious and sometimes fatal problems in both cats and dogs. Heatstroke can affect animals within a very short period of time with dangerous consequences, so we have provided some tips below to make sure you’re in the know this summer.


Make sure you don’t leave your dog in a car even with the window open – temperatures rise extremely quickly causing dogs to overheat, leaving them for just 20 minutes could prove fatal.

Don’t excessively walk your dog when it hot, and especially avoid midday times when the sun is at its hottest. Walking dogs on the hot pavement can cause awful, painful burns to their paws. If you still wish to walk them then do first thing in the morning or later in the evening when it is cooler.

When taking your dog out anywhere make sure they always have access to plenty of water.

Make sure whether inside or outside your dog always has access to some shade to help cool them down if they begin to get too hot.

Light haired dogs are inclined to get sunburn, so make sure they are keep out of direct sunlight.


Take extra car with white cats and cats with white faces and ears as they are more susceptible to sunburn.

Apply a high factor feline sun cream such as; Filtabac sunblock or Petscreen sunscreen. If you can’t get hold of these a high factor hypoallergenic baby sun cream is the best alternative.

Keep your cat in a cool room to avoid heatstroke. Other options to avoid heatstroke include placing a damp towel on your cat if they will allow you to, or try wrapping a bag of frozen peas in a towel and putting in their bed to stay cool.

If you have an outdoor cat that has been out in the sun make sure you check their paws for any burns or soreness after walking on hot pavements.

If your cat is an indoor cat they will be sheltered from the blazing sun, however the sun can quickly heat up a room so leaving blinds or curtains closed is a good idea.

Try and place plenty of water around the house in places your cat may go and replenish as needed.

Small Furries

Cats and dogs aren’t the only animals to experience problems with heat, our little furries need to be remembered too.

Remember to be extra vigilant with hygiene over summer months especially with rabbits. Hot weather attracts more insects such as flies and maggots leading to flystrike which can be highly fatal.

Brush out any loose hair that may cause mats or extra warmth to your pet.

Make sure your pet always has fresh water, and be extra vigilant about evaporation with outdoor animals. You can also feed small pieces of water rich fruit, such as celery or apple.

Keeps hutches and runs in as much shade as possible.

With all of our pets it is important to look out for the common signs of heat stroke, sunburn and exhaustion.

Collapse, dribbling, excessive panting, pacing, hyperventilation, anxiety, increased heartbeat, lethargy, high temperature, breathing problems and dark red gums.

Always remember if your pet isn’t themselves in any way then always call to see your vet.



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