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Our Soft Tissue Referral team veterinarians are highly trained professionals in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of conditions that affect the soft tissues of animals. Soft tissues include organs, muscles, blood vessels, and other structures that are not part of the skeletal system. Our Soft tissue referral team are skilled in performing various surgical procedures to address complex soft tissue diseases and conditions.  

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Here's a detailed overview of what a soft tissue veterinary specialist does: 

  1. Soft Tissue Surgery: 
    • Performed a wide range of surgical procedures on organs and structures such as the abdomen, thorax, skin, and neck. 
    • Address conditions like tumours, cysts, abscesses, and anatomical abnormalities. 
  1. Abdominal Surgery:
    • Perform surgeries on abdominal organs, including the liver, spleen, stomach, intestines, kidneys, bladder, prostate, urethra and external genitalia.  
    • Address conditions such as gastrointestinal foreign bodies, tumours, and urinary tract disorders. 
  1. Thoracic Surgery:
    • Conduct surgeries on the organs within the chest cavity, including the lungs, heart, and mediastinum. 
    • Address conditions such as lung tumours and conditions affecting the oesophagus. 
  1. Oncologic Surgery:
    • Removal of tumours in various locations, including those within soft tissues. 
    • Work with other specialists, such as oncologists, to develop comprehensive treatment plans for cancer patients. 
  1. Reconstructive Surgery:
    • Perform reconstructive procedures, such as skin flaps & skin grafts, to repair or replace damaged or diseased soft tissues.  
    • Address defects resulting from trauma, congenital abnormalities, or previous surgeries. 
  1. Urogenital Surgery:
    • Address conditions affecting the reproductive and urinary systems, such as spaying and neutering and surgeries for urinary incontinence or reproductive disorders. 
  1. Laparoscopy and Minimally Invasive Surgery:
    • Utilise minimally invasive techniques, such as laparoscopy, to perform certain soft tissue surgeries. 
    • Benefits may include shorter recovery times and reduced postoperative pain. 
  1. Hernia Repair:
    • Perform surgeries to repair hernias, which involve the protrusion of organs or tissues through an opening or weak area in the abdominal or inguinal wall. 
  1. Collaboration and Communication:
    • Provide referral reports with logical and clear explanations of Surgical treatment performed, postoperative recovery plan, expected follow-ups & outcomes.  
    • Collaborate with internal & external referral teams and our primary care practitioners for a multidisciplinary approach to patient care. 

Onsite facilities include:

  • HD Laparoscopic video & kit suitable to perform spays from 3.5kg   
  • HD video Flexible Endoscopy and Bronchoscopy, Ridged rhinoscopy & arthroscopy 
  • A full orthopaedic kit is on site featuring the latest BioMedtrix curved TPLO bone plates with HyProtect antimicrobial coating. BioMedtrix plates offer a novel curved design which conforms to the natural shape of the tibia, compared to standard straight plates, for improved results & recovery.  
  • Advance Ultrasound Machine (MylabX7VET) with touch-screen display 
  • Phillips IE 33 Colour Doppler ultrasound 1-12MHz probes. NHS standard  
  • 6-channel portable ECG  
  • Holter Monitors for 24-48 hour ECG Monitoring 
  • Doppler and oscillometric blood pressure monitoring 
  • CT Toshiba 64 slice with onsite Diagnostic imager 
  • Rehabilitation Centre with onsite chiropractic, hydrotherapy, underwater incline Treadmill & Class VI laser unit  
  • Regenerative medicine. We have the only veterinary-approved Companion Regenerative Therapies (CRT) System, including platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC). 
  • Separate cat, dog & exotic hospitalisation wards for overnight care of weekday patients 

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What to expect from a Referral:  

After receiving a referral request from the referring vet (either by email, fax or phone), our referral nurse will ensure we have the relevant history, referral letter and client information. We will then contact the client directly to arrange a suitable appointment time. 

Referrals begin with a 30-minute appointment to fully examine the patient and discuss treatment plans thoroughly with the pet owner. A detailed Referral report, including findings, results, and treatment recommendations, will be sent via email to your Primary Care Provider. The report is then discussed with you via your Primary Care Provider.  

If follow-up procedures are required with ourselves, we will advise your Primary Care Provider of this within your pet's reports. If you would like a copy of the report, this can be requested from us or your primary care provider. 

Referral Online

To arrange a referral at Brentknoll Veterinary Centre, please complete our online referral form below or call us at 01905 355938. We look forward to meeting you and your pet!

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