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Keeping the Easter bunny away from your pets.

It’s that time of year again when the Easter eggs are out in the shops and Easter egg hunts are all ready to go. However we want to make sure that your pets can have as much enjoyment as everyone by helping you keep them away from toxins and poisons which can be heightened at this time of year. We have made a list of foods, household hazards and outdoor poisons to help you spot potential hazards early.


Lots of the tasty treats we consume are toxic to our pets, and at Easter with the heightened amount of sweet treats around we all need to make sure our pets are safe.

  • Chocolate: The chocolate we eat contains theobromine, this is a chemical that can be fatal to our pets. The darker the chocolate the higher level of theobromine and therefore the higher the risk. Pet owners should try and keep their pets away from any foods that contain chocolate including sweets and cakes.
  • Onion, Garlic and Chives: This group of vegetables and herbs have another dangerous chemical for our pets. Organosulphoxides within these foods can be poisonous to cats and dogs. If your little one has the odd leftover from your dinner then please be make sure that none of these foods have been included or used to cook with.
  • Grapes, Currants and Raisins: Foods from this food group are extremely toxic for dogs and can be fatal, it is always recommended to keep them away from food with any of these as ingredients e.g. cakes.
  • Nuts: Macadamia nuts and peanuts especially can be toxic to pets, they can cause anything from an upset tummy to fits and weakness. Nuts in the form of butter can also be toxic so make sure they are shut somewhere your pets can’t get to.
  • Alcohol: All alcoholic drinks are toxic to pets along with products that contain alcohol e.g. mouthwashes, glue and perfumes. It is best to keep these items away in a cupboard for example where you know your little one can’t get to them.
  • Xylitol: This is a form of sweetener are is mostly used in sugar-free chewing gum, sweets and more and more in medication. This product is extremely dangerous to dogs.

Household Products

There are a lot of potential hazards in our households from our medicine to cleaning products. We have listed some of the most common and toxic ones.

  • Dustbins: Our pets can often find it hard to resist bin bags as they are full of food and all the smells that go with it, dogs especially will eat whatever they fancy from bins. Just make sure that bins are sealed, can’t be easily knocked over or gotten into and not left for your pet to rip and get in bin bags.
  • Medications: Our medications can be harmful and poisonous to our pets, try to make sure they are kept well out of reach from your pet, and if you think your pet is unwell please give your vets a call before sell diagnosing it could be fatal.
  • Batteries: These can be extremely dangerous if your pet decides to eat on, as they contain acid and are made from metal they can cause serious burns to the mouth, throat and stomach. Again just keeping these in a drawer or cupboard somewhere out of reach is the best way to avoid issues.
  • Animal poisons: There are many of these products available; slug, mouse, rats etc. however they are extremely poisonous to our pets as you may imagine due to being poisons.
  • Antifreeze: This is very poisonous to pets and unfortunately can be very tempting to cats especially for its sweet taste. It can be found in screen wash and brake fluids. This means that as well as being in the house it will also be outside, possibly where cats roam. Inside it is best to keep shut away in a cupboard out of reach, whereas outside be wary or any spills when topping up the car and make sure they are cleaned up.


  • Lilies: Many parts of this plants can be poisonous, especially to cats. This includes the leaves, pollen, stems and flower heads. These can easily be ingested by either eating or chewing on the leaves, or by the pollen being transferred onto a cat’s fur and then being ingested through grooming. These are a popular flower to receive in bouquets, if you do receive these it is best to remove the lilies or put in a room where your pets can’t get to.
  • Daffodils: All parts of this plant are harmful to pets, dogs on works will sometimes take a bite out of the bulbs. These plants are extremely dangerous and can be fatal, one bite or even drinking the water from which daffodils have been in can be fatal. Once again these are popular in the spring so try keeping your dog away from them on walks, and if inside keep them in a room they don’t have access to.
  • Acorns and conkers: These are toxic to dogs causing stomach problems, vomiting and blockages. Luckily these can be a little easier to spot than other hazards however try to keep your dog away from them on walks. If you have a tree in the garden then it may be best to look around and pick any conkers or acorns up before letting your dog out

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