Sargent was experiencing many ear infections that keep coming back and he was in a lot of discomfort and pain which even affected his jaw.
The next option for Sargent was to have a CT scan to diagnose what was going on. Rikki, our Clinical Director, performed a CT, which showed Sargent had a very rare case called cholesteatoma, which meant major surgery with our soft tissue surgeon was needed; some may know it as TECA surgery.
TECA surgery is where the ear canal needs to be removed from the middle of the ear. Since the surgery, Sargent has made a full recovery and is now back to his happy self. He loves coming back to see Rikki and getting all the love from our Receptionist. Carly.
Sargent brought in "Paw" to make cards and gifts for Rikki and his favorite receptionist Carly to say thank you for making him better and for all the gravy bone.
Sargent, we love you!